Monday, September 2, 2013

Monarch Mail Sept. 3rd-6th

Monarch Mail 
September 3rd - 6th
During the school year this e-blast will go out weekly to keep you up to date on the happenings at Monarch Elementary School.  
In order to receive updates via email, please subscribe at and enter your email on the right side of the page.

"Like" Monarch Elementary on Facebook and receive updates and  reminders.


4 - Volunteer Orientation, STEAM TEAM presentation, Lunch Relief Training - 9:30am and 6:30pm

5 - Tony's Pizza Spirit Night - all day

6- All PTA volunteer and order forms due
all forms are on the Monarch website

9 - PTA Open House - 6pm - K4, K5, 1st and 2nd

9 - Room Parent Meeting - 9:30am

10 - PTA Open House - 6pm - 3rd, 4th and 5th

12 - Room Parent Meeting - 6:30pm

16 - SEEDS Training - 9:30 am

24 - Chick-fil-A Spirit Night - 5-8pm

30-Oct. 4th - Book Fair (Grandparent's Week)

30 - "Meet your Healthcare Neighbor" - GHS sponsored health night - 6:30pm-8pm


Go to GiveWith.Target.comto vote for Monarch Elementary School once a week through September 21st or until Target has given away all $5 million. We have the opportunity to raise $10,000.  And please forward this to your friends. Vote and see rules at


Morning Carline
Thank you with your patience with the morning drop-off.  We are working with the district to get some help with getting cars through the carline.  There are a few things that will help speed things up:

·         Please refrain from using your cell phone in the carline.

·         Have your children ready to get out of the car with lunchboxes and book bags in laps, ready to go.

·         Once you have dropped off your child, please pull forward and move out quickly.

·         Try to leave home a little earlier.  The line is moving very quickly around 7:30.

Afternoon Carline
We have been finishing afternoon dismissal around.  Our goal is to be finished by.  Please arrive before2:50 daily.  If all cars have been scanned, the staff members scanning cars will walk inside at 2:50pm.  If there are still cars that need scanning, the staff will remain outside until the cars have been scanned. If you arrive after 2:50 and there is nobody outside to scan your car, please pull around front and come into the front office with your photo id to get your child.  Thank you!

Changes in How a Student Goes Home
All parents have given their child’s teacher information regarding the way their child will go home.  Any change in the way a child goes home must be on a note that is signed by the parent and turned in to the teacher by the child first thing in the morning. If you have a change in plans during the school day that warrants a change in how your child goes home, a signed faxed note must be sent to the office no later than.  The Monarch fax number is 864-452-0690.  For the safety of all children, NO EMAILS OR PHONE CALLS TO THE TEACHER OR THE OFFICE WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Birthdays are a special milestone in a child’s life.  We want to recognize and celebrate children’s birthdays. At Monarch, our birthday celebrations may be a little different than how you celebrate in other schools. Aligned with our school focus, we want birthday celebrations to reinforce healthy eating choices.  If you would like to send in a birthday treat, fruit kabobs, cut fruit, whole grain goldfish, real fruit snacks, low-fat popcorn, and graham crackers are examples of wholesome  treats that could be sent in.  Thank you in advance for promoting our healthy lifestyle and not sending in items such as cupcakes, brownies, candy, chips of any kind, sugary drinks, etc.  If you come with unhealthy treats such as cupcakes, we will ask you to take them home. Once a month, our cafeteria will serve a special “birthday” treat to all children.

Save the Date for Monarch Grandparents Week!
Monday, September 30th through Friday, October 4th
Monday, September 30th through Friday, October 4th
Monday:  4th grade and 5th grade 
Tuesday:  3rd grade 
Wednesday:  2nd grade 
Thursday:  1st grade
Friday:  Pre-K and Kindergarten

Grandparents are invited to join their favorite kiddos for lunch!  The dates above are just guidelines to help with parking.  If the suggested date for your child's grade is inconvenient, your child's grandparents may attend on a different day.  Details to follow in the coming weeks.

Please email a picture of your children with their grandparents to if your grandparents aren't able to attend).   We'll be putting a video together to show during lunch that week!

These are the actual colors of our spirit wear.  Unfortunately, we cannot make color copies for the packets, but want to make sure you get to see the actual colors.

Reserve Mount Monarch for 2013-2014
Mount Monarch Sign-Up Form
Our school spirit rock has already become a favorite tradition. Mount Monarch dates are available for July 2013-June 2014. Due to the spirit rock's popularity, now is the best time to go to select your dates for your special someone.  You now have the option to pay with PayPal.

Culinary Creations Lunch Menu:

Tuesday, September 3rd

Sweet and Sour Chicken over Brown Rice with WG Roll
Toasted Cheese Sandwich 

Vegetation Station
Tomato Basil Soup
Choice of Fruit

Wednesday, September 4th

Baked Mexican Macaroni with WG Roll 
Veggie Quesadilla with Lettuce and Tomato 
Vegetation Station
Chicken Noodle Soup
Pinto Beans
Choice of Fruit

Thursday, September 5th
Roasted Chicken with WG Roll 
Veggie Burger with Lettuce and Tomato 
Vegetation Station
Broccoli and Cheddar Soup 

Mixed Vegetables
Choice of Fruit


Friday, September 6th

Turkey Wrap with Lettuce and Tomato 

Vegetation Station
Chicken and Brown Rice Soup 

Fresh Vegetables with Dip 
Choice of Fruit

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