Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 29th-May 3rd Monarch Mail 
This e-blast will go out weekly to keep you up to date on the happenings at Monarch Elementary School.  
In order to receive updates via email, please subscribe at and enter your email on the right side of the page.


We had a great time last Friday at MONAPALOOZA!!  We greatly appreciate the families of Monarch making this such an incredible event.  Your generosity in donations, purchases and enthusiasm are incredible.  Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to Kimberly McGrath, Tallya McDowell, Kimberly Byrd, Tracey Easterling, Mayte Pennington, Christine Ruby and all other chairs for planning the carnival and silent auction!!

K5 and First Grade Registration for the 2013-2014 School Year
Children who will be five years old on or before September 1 of the current year must enroll in public or private kindergarten unless the parent or legal guardian signs a waiver using the Kindergarten Non-Attendance Form. Any child who will be six years old on or before September 1 of the current year must enroll in first grade To find out where your child will attend kindergarten or first grade, call the INFOLine at 355-3100 or click HERE.
To enroll a new student in kindergarten or first grade, a parent must present the following at registration:
  • State-issued Birth Certificate
  • Properly Completed Immunization Certificate or Religious Exemption Certificate (Religious Exemption Certificate provided by Health Department)
  • Two Forms of Proof of Residence (two documents required such as a current electric bill or current mortgage/lease statement (additional accepted proof of residence provided in the Parent Enrollment Checklist).
5K and First Grade Registration Forms
If you have a child who will turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2013, please go to the closest elementary school to register.  Bring your child's birth certificate, immunization certificate, and 2 proofs of residence.  Registration does not guarantee enrollment.  Please call 864-355-7359 or 864-355-3100 with any questions.

"Like" Monarch Elementary on Facebook and receive updates and  reminders.

Mark your calendars for these special events:
April 29th - NO SCHOOL
May 7-10 - PASS TESTING (no volunteers allowed in school)
May 10th - Mother's Day cakes go home (for those who ordered)
May 17th - Bike Helmet Day - please bring your bike helmet to school to learn bike safety
May 30th - Awards Day - 8:15 am - K5, 10:30am - 1st grade, 12:30pm - 4th grade
May 31st - Awards Day - 8:30am - 5th grade
May 31st - Fifth Grade Field Day - following awards day
June 3rd - Awards Day - 8:30am - 3rd grade, 12:30pm - 2nd grade
June 4th - Dismissal at noon - Field Day - K5, 1st, 2nd - begins at 8:30am
June 5th - Dismissal at noon - Field Day - 3rd, 4th, 5th grade - begins at 8:30am
June 6th - Dismissal at noon - Last Day of School - Please join us for Closing Ceremonies at 9:30am, followed by a picnic on the grounds.  Please pack a lunch, drink and towel for the picnic.

Culinary Creations Lunch Menu

Monday, April 29th

Tuesday, April 30th

Hamburger with Cheese
Veggie Burger
Vegetation Station with Southwest Chicken & Brown Rice Soup Corn
Choice of Fruit


Wednesday, April 31st
Chicken Gumbo with Brown Rice 
Baked Potato Creation Station 
Vegetation Station with Chicken Noodle Soup 
Choice of Fruit 

Thursday, May 1st

Enchilada Pie
Toasted Cheese Sandwich 
Vegetation Station with Tomato Basil Soup 
Mixed Vegetables 
Choice of Fruit 

Friday, May 2nd

Vegetable Quesadilla Lettuce & Tomato 
Vegetation Station with 

Chicken & Brown Rice Soup Broccoli
Choice of Fruit


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