Friday, March 14, 2014

Monarch Mail, Week of March 17 - March 21

Monarch Mail, Week of March 17
In order to receive updates via email, please subscribe at and enter your email on the right side of the page.

Jump Rope for Heart
Thank you to all the families participating in Jump Rope for Heart!
A few more volunteers are needed to help out this week. 

March 26, Walk at Lunch Day

Wednesday, March 26 is "SC Safe Route" Walk at School Day! 
During this fun event, volunteers are needed to encourage students to walk and to hand out paper clips for "distance chains." 
 Students will be walking during their regular recess time.  Please join us if you can.
Please contact Tracey Daniel with any questions-

Friday, APRIL 4
4:30 pm til 8pm
Rides, games, inflatables and more!
Monapalooza wants kids galore; there'll be treats and prizes they'll adore!


T-shirt orders will be accepted through March 21. 

Ticket pre-sale orders will be accepted March 17 - 28.
Thank you to Tony's Pizza for sponsoring these fun T-shirts!

Many volunteers are needed to ensure Monapalooza is a huge success!
Consider volunteering during PTA's Monapalooza workdays on March 21, 27 and April 1. 
We also need many volunteers on April 4 and 5.  Please use the following link to help with carnival set-up and clean up.
Please contact Tallya McDowell ( or Susan Hodge (
with any questions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monapalooza Silent Auction

As we are preparing for this exciting event, we need your help.  We are in the process of procuring items for the silent auction.   If you are interested in helping and/or have a business and would like to donate an auction item, please contact Kimberly Byrd, or Amberly Steele,

Thank you in advance for your assistance!!!

April 11, noon
Internet Safety Lunch and Learn
Rick Floyd, Internet Security Specialist with Greenville County Schools
*more details to follow*

*Effectively immediately, reservations must be paid via PayPal (info and link are accessible on the Mt. Monarch Sign Up Genius page). 

**Please be courteous- if you have reserved a date and decide not to paint, please cancel that date so others may have the opportunity to join in the fun of painting Mt. Monarch.

***If you elect not to paint the rock and do not cancel your reservation prior to the reserved date, you are still responsible for that payment.


Recycle for Related Arts
After Monarch parents and the community generously donated aluminum soda cans for the Roper Mountain Festival of Lights Holiday Card (we won SECOND PLACE!), Mrs. Kish thought it would be a great idea to continue recycling aluminum cans here at the school to support Monarch's environmental efforts.  In the school's front parking lot, you will see a red, recycle trailer that BSC Metal Recycling has set up for the school.  BSC has partnered with us so profits from the aluminum cans can go back to Monarch's Related Arts Program, allowing Physical Education, Music, Art, and Library to have additional funds to purchase new and engaging classroom resources.  BSC has requested that we only recycle aluminum soda cans.  If any other cans or products besides aluminum soda cans are placed in the trailer, Monarch's profit will be penalized.  Cans can be thrown in the trailer at any time.  Based on the amount of cans we received for the holiday card, we know our school's recycling efforts will be a success!  It's such a great way to show our students how to not only  help protect our environment, but also support Monarch's Related Arts Program.

Thank you,
The Related Arts Team

For more info on Greenville County Schools makeup days check out WYFF or GCS district website.

Sportsclub is proud to be an Official Partner of Health and Wellness for Monarch Elementary School. Parents, Teachers and Staff can now access Sportsclub’s state of the art equipment and world class group fitness program at an affordable rate while their visits to the club raise funds that go directly back to the school. In addition to a reduced rate on our Lifestyle Membership, Sportsclub will donate $5 to Monarch Elementary School for every new membership started and donate 75 cents per visit (up to $200/month) back to the school. Please visit Sportsclub Five Forks, located at 317 Scuffletown Rd. or call 675-5808 to speak with a Membership Advisor and start earning today!

SPIRIT NIGHT - April 22, 5-8 pm 

"Like" Monarch Elementary on Facebook and receive updates and  reminders.

Mark your calendars for these special events:
March 21, 28-- Silly Socks Day for March of Dimes (Student Council)
March 18 - 19--PASS Writing Test (3, 4, 5 grades)
March 20-- Tony's Pizza Spirit Night, all day
March 26-- Walk at School Day
March 31 -- Monarch Talent Show at Mauldin High School, 6-8pm

April 4 - MONAPALOOZA at Monarch Elementary School, 4:30-8pm
April 11--SIC Meeting, noon, Internet Safety presentation
April 7--PTA General Meeting, 6:30pm
April 10--Twisted Cup Spirit Night- 2:30pm til 8pm
April 14-18 --SPRING BREAK
April 22-- Chic-Fil-a Spirit Night, 5pm til 8pm

May 5, SIC Meeting, 7:30am
May 13-16, Fifth Grade Washington Trip
May 21, Third Grade SC Play
May 21, Fourth Grade History Museum
May 23, STEAM Day (details to follow)
May 30, Fifth Grade Day


Culinary Creations Lunch Menu
 Monday, March 17 
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
with Lettuce and Tomato
Hummus Plate
Vegetation Station
Broccoli Cheddar Soup
Sweet Potato Bites
Choice of Fruit 

Tuesday, March 18
Chicken Fajita
Black Bean Burger
Vegetation Station 
Asian Ginger Chicken Soup
Vegetable Medley
Choice of Fruit 

Wednesday, March 19
Hamburger with Lettuce and Tomato
Macaroni and Cheese with Broccoli
and WG Roll
Vegetation Station 
Vegetable Beef Soup
Choice of Fruit 

Thursday, March 20
Sweet and Sour Chicken over Brown Rice
Toasted Cheese Sandwich
Vegetation Station 
Chicken Noodle Soup
Green Beans
 Choice of Fruit 

Friday, March 21
Vegetable Quesadilla
Vegetation Station 
Ham and Bean Soup
Pinto Beans
Choice of Fruit 


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